Natalia Andreadis is a London-based film and commercials director.
Originally from Paris, she studied her craft at the Sorbonne, under great film theorists such as Charles Tesson, editor-in-chief of the 'Cahiers du Cinema'. She graduated with a Masters in 2006, and followed on with a course in film production at NYU. She began her professional career working for celebrated producer Dan Halsted ('Garden State', 'Nixon') before becoming an Apple-certified editor in 2008, and working in post-production for 6 years.
Her directorial short film debut, "Without", entered festival markets in 2010, winning multiple awards. It was picked up for distribution, screening in over 150 cinemas. Branded content work followed. In 2019, Natalia won the Arri ALEXA Challenge with her short fiction project "How Can I Forget". It went on to screen at BAFTA- and Oscar-qualifying festivals, picking up eight awards along the way. It was chosen as one of Omeleto's Top Ten short films of 2022, and is shortly going to launch on Shorts TV.
During the pandemic, Natalia launched a writers' group for female filmmakers which meets weekly and has introduced her to the most wonderfully talented women. She is currently developing three feature scripts whilst juggling the kids, a job in marketing, an insatiable need to go to the cinema and an unorthodox amount of hot chocolate.

Natalia has an abundance of vision and tenacity. Her imagination teems with creative energy. She has a good eye, an original intelligence and is not scared to take chances. Her vision makes her a talent worth nurturing, and I, for one, will be following her career path closely."
Graham Leader
Oscar-nominated producer

Many filmmakers who would entertain thoughts of taking on a film concept beyond realism would stand to gain immensely from her work. It left us wanting more."
Zero Film Festival
Rich Hooban, Founder